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Full Example

A complete example demonstrating all Configarr features is available in our GitHub repository. This example includes:

  • Docker Compose configuration
  • Complete Sonarr and Radarr setup
  • Custom format configurations
  • Quality profile settings
  • Template usage

You can find the full example at: configarr/examples/full

Quick Start with the Full Example

  1. Start the Arr containers:

    docker-compose up -d

    This will:

    • Create required networks
    • Launch *Arr instances
    • Configure API keys using provided XML configs
  2. Run Configarr:

    docker-compose -f run --rm configarr

Access Points

Once running, you can access the services at:


To remove all containers and volumes:

docker-compose down -v

Adjusting provided templates by TrashGuide/Recyclarr

It is a common use case to use existing templates from TrashGuide or Recyclarr and modify them with either own scores or own additional custom formats. We can easily do this with Configarr because we support both use cases and can add own custom formats when needed.

# We define a new custom format we need (can also be done via file)
- trash_id: example-in-config-cf
default: 10000
trash_description: "Language: German Only"
name: "Language: Not German"
includeCustomFormatWhenRenaming: false
- name: Not German Language
implementation: LanguageSpecification
negate: true
required: false
value: 4

base_url: !secret sonarr_url
api_key: !secret sonarr_apikey

# We use existing templates from recyclarr as base
- template: sonarr-quality-definition-series
- template: sonarr-v4-quality-profile-web-1080p
- template: sonarr-v4-custom-formats-web-1080p

# HINT: if you want to use trash guides own templates you can use them too
#- template: d1498e7d189fbe6c7110ceaabb7473e6
# source: TRASH # RECYCLARR (default) or TRASH

# Now you can adjust the custom formats as wanted per profile
- trash_ids:
- example-in-config-cf
- name: WEB-1080p # name must match with given profiles (found in recyclarr or trashguide)
# score: 0 # Uncomment this line to add custom scoring

# Overwrite existing scores
- trash_ids:
- e6258996055b9fbab7e9cb2f75819294 # WEB Tier 01
- name: WEB-1080p # name must match with given profiles (found in recyclarr or trashguide)
score: 123

Using templates from TrashGuide/Recyclarr but different names

This is currently not possible. What you can do is copy those templates and paste it locally mounted folder. Than you can rename those in the templates as required.

Possible feature request. Those are currently in evualition if usable and suitable:

# The path in the container for your templates for copy&paste templates with slight modifications in the files.
localConfigTemplatesPath: /app/templates

base_url: !secret sonarr_url
api_key: !secret sonarr_apikey

# assuming we copied 3 templates for quality defintion, profile and formats to those files names (file ending .yml)
- template: my-local-quality-definition-series
- template: my-local-quality-profile
- template: my-local-custom-formats

# HINT: if you want to use trash guides own templates you can use them too
#- template: d1498e7d189fbe6c7110ceaabb7473e6
# source: TRASH # RECYCLARR (default) or TRASH

# Now you can adjust the custom formats as wanted per profile
# Overwrite existing scores
- trash_ids:
- e6258996055b9fbab7e9cb2f75819294 # WEB Tier 01
- name: MyLocalProfile # name must match with given profiles (found in recyclarr or trashguide)
score: 123